Bright Burning Things by Lisa Harding

Bright Burning Things by Lisa Harding

There are going to be many comparisons made between Bright Burning Things and Shuggie Bains. Both novels feature mother struggling with addiction and poverty. While Shuggie Bains is more of an ensemble piece Bright Burning Things has a laser-like focus on Sonya.

Because of this, it feels like a far more claustrophobic story. Harding has a mastery of tempo in her writing. Writing from the first person the novel sometimes wanders into reading like a stream of consciousness exploring the vast inner world of Sonya’s mind before suddenly switching gears into intense almost oppressive sections where Sonya is faced with dilemmas where she struggles to control herself and make the right decision.

It is a novel full of moments that evoked intense emotional responses from me. The sections where Sonya is deciding whether or not to leave her boyfriend filled me with genuine dread. You can tell a story that has got you when you find yourself whispering to yourself, urging a character not to make another bad decision.

I really enjoyed the novel. It is wonderfully written. Highly recommended.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Please consider using this link to buy the book.

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