The Purple Notebook 2

The Purple Notebook 2

Another unfinished story from the Purple Notebook. Not sure if this was Utter! inspired or not.

Harry never expected his April’s Fool joke to get out of hand. The paint was supposed to wash off. Trevor had promised him that all it would take was a quick rinse under water. But the bloody was permanent. When Harry confronted Trevor about this, all Trevor said was “April’s Fools” .

Oh the plan was so simple. A friendly prank on his brother-in-law Todd. A small paint bomb to the face. Ha ha, Everybody would laugh. It wasn’t meant to be this way. It was just meant to be a hilarious prank on the President of the United States of America. Now here  Harry stood, in the oval office with Todd whose face was dyed a shade of radioactive yellow with stone faced spin doctors, senators, and the Chief of Staff. Harry thought he was beginning to get heart palpitations.

Todd was was meant to be meeting with Kim Jun Un tomorrow. “How was I supposed to know?” thought Harry. Apparently if Todd didn’y attend it would be disastrous for world peace. Todd had yet to say an angry word Harry.
‘Todd, mate, I’m sorry’

The President rounded on Harry and screamed “You always have to take things too far!”

Another story from the same session I think

The old girl was holding up well in her old age. I taken so many voyages inside her. Scurrying down inside her corridors to see what I could see. All the relics and artifacts that had been salvaged and stored away in her bowels. I tipped my hat to the guard as if asking for permission to come aboard.

The 3rd Story.

The thing that worried Chuck was that he no longer got that queasy feeling feeling in his stomach when he beat people up. Looking down at the convulsing body of the latest poor soul that did not pay their debt, Chuck felt just a little sad.

Standing in a pool of blood and piss he saw his reflection in the dark liquid and he wasn’t sure he recognised his own face. Taking one last look at his handiwork he sighed and then whispered to himself “How did I end up doing this?”.

Terri looked down at her keyboard feeling a mixture of tiredness and resentment. Hours at the bank were only going to get longer.

Some interesting ideas here. I think the President story might be worth re-visiting. The 3rd story could be a scene for Gorky & Izz

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